Wallaby.js For Intellij V1.0.124 !!TOP!! ⌛
Wallaby.js For Intellij V1.0.124 !!TOP!! ⌛
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Wallaby.js For Intellij V1.0.124
although wallaby.js has found all the code paths that we had identified to be missing, it is important to check the coverage with a more advanced analysis. we can do this by opening the configuration file that was generated when we created the initial run configuration for our tests. from there we can click on the analysis tab and run the coverage report, which we can see in the next section.
the next section shows how wallaby.js has found all the missing code paths, identified by the green lines. wallaby.js then adds a row on the left of the code paths indicating whether each one of them has been executed or not.
we can see that the only code path that has not been executed is the one which is identified with the red arrow. this is not an error though, this just means that there is a missing condition and that it is not being triggered. if we check the documentation for wallaby.js, we can find out that we need to add an event listener for the mock.script-ended
event in our test file:
test.events.on('mock.script-ended', () => { assert.equals(this.mock.spy('xyz.func').callcount, 1, 'xyz.func was called exactly once'); }); test.spy('xyz2.callcount, 1, 'xyz2.func was called exactly once'); });
wallaby.js for intellij v1.0.124
before we close our test file, we need to add an event listener for the mock.script-created
event to make sure that we are tracking the execution of all the code paths in our tests:
we work very closely with our users and find that they frequently use webstorm and intellij together. so we want to leverage that in our debugging process. when you launch a test in webstorm or intellij, you can select a specific test to debug. for example, in the image below, i selected the first test because its just a bit of a head scratcher.
the recommended workflow is just to keep wallaby.js up and running as you edit your code. it should pick up existing file changes, file deletion, adding new files and tests (as long as they are listed in files patterns in the configuration file). wallaby.js does its best to track the dependencies between your files and tests, but occasionally you may need to restart it if your changes are not picked up. you can stop/start wallaby.js any time by stopping/starting the active run configuration.
as a developer, i get that we dont like paying for tools. this is especially true when there are so many free options out there. for me this was easy… if theres something that saves me time and makes my experience better, ill consider it. what sells me on wallaby.js is that it removes the dread factor in having ugh, i have to go run my tests in the back of my head… wallaby.js makes it stupid simple and does it for me.
wallaby.js for intellij provides nice linting right inside the ide. for example, wallaby.js will find unused variables, missing semicolons, unused imports, and more. you can even get help from the ide to fix the errors. you can also use the ide’s type checker to automatically fix a lot of issues for you.
wallaby.js for intellij provides a lot of context actions. for example, with the context button, we can right click on a line of code and get a lot of nice code actions. for example, we can tell wallaby.js to save the file, exit the editor, navigate to that line in the editor, or even quickly navigate to that file.