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the settings file is in read-only mode, so that it can be edited by zmf, and the configuration file can be edited in the file config.ini. to save changes in the settings file, see if changes to the configuration file are not saved (confirmation dialog box is shown), the zmf settings are probably not saved, and any settings will be lost the next time wptrafficanalyzer launches.
the settings file can be viewed and edited in read-only mode. changes are not saved until the settings file is saved with the settings file in read-only mode. settings can be set from this read-only mode. to save the settings, go to the edit/configure button (or double-click config.ini on the command line), and then save with the file menu in the wptrafficanalyzer window.
analyze traffic by selecting a traffic source and/or bandwidth analyze mode, and then processing the data. the traffic data is written to a new file; if multiple lines are selected, each line is written to a separate file. more data can be analyzed if more connections are selected. the settings can be saved in one of two ways: from the edit/configure menu, or by selecting the save/save settings button. under microsoft windows, the settings can be saved with each connection by selecting the save/save settings button.
analyze traffic by selecting a traffic source and/or bandwidth analyze mode, and then processing the data. the traffic data is written to a new file; if multiple lines are selected, each line is written to a separate file. more data can be analyzed if more connections are selected. the settings can be saved in one of two ways: from the edit/configure menu, or by selecting the save/save settings button.
