you can sign in with a single sign-on access using your autodesk account or sign in with a personal access code. if you have an autodesk account, you will be prompted for your email address and password. if you do not yet have an autodesk account, create one.
this tool is designed to let you download and store selected maya plug-ins. in the download list, you will see a list of files that are compatible with your current version of maya (or the version of the maya plug-in that you are currently using). select the file to download. click open to install the plug-in. you can then choose to keep the file in your maya install directory (so it will be available next time you use maya) or delete it.
if you already have a subscription, you can use your product key to unlock the tools in your current subscription. visit the autodesk product center to see which tools are available to you. if you need more information about your license, visit the autodesk license center.
trademarks – autodesk, inc., and maya are registered trademarks or trademarks of autodesk, inc., in the united states and/or other countries. other brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
also, the free version of autodesk maya lt does not contain all of the features available in the standard version. the free version does not include maya, the maya lt 2019 plug-in, or some plug-ins that are included in the standard version. other plug-ins may be excluded from the free version based on the policies of the plug-in provider.
maya lt 2018 does not show the icon for the speedcut tool. it works if i start maya and go to the extras menu (all extras) and start speedcut. if i try to start speedcut from the tool bar it is not there. as far as i know the speedcut tool does not have a menu option.
i installed maya lt 2018, it had the standard extras installed, but when i went to extras there was no speedcut. i went to the tool bar and there was no speedcut. the only way i could get it working was to remove and reinstall maya lt 2018. i can not find a way to get it to work again.
i have a few days of using maya lt 2018 and i have not been able to get the speedcut tool to work. also, i can not find the keyboard shortcut for it. i have tried reinstalling, turning off all maya lt 2018 updates, rebooting, and even uninstalling and installing again. i still can not get speedcut to work, i can get it to work by using a different tool. i am not sure what i am doing wrong. the keyboard shortcut does not work either. i have the latest version of maya lt 2018 as well as the latest updates.
i can not get speedcut tool to work. i have tried looking at the forums, and i have tried reinstalling, turning off all maya lt 2018 updates, rebooting, and even uninstalling and installing again. i still can not get speedcut to work, i can get it to work by using a different tool. i am not sure what i am doing wrong. the keyboard shortcut does not work either. i have the latest version of maya lt 2018 as well as the latest updates.
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